The 30 Billion Dollar Scam | John Watkins

1 month ago

Using photo and video editing software, it is often possible to detect how a photo or video was put together. Many of the NASA Apollo images and videos allegedly taken on the moon, show tell-tale signs of crude compositing and re-touching, as well as the use of studio lighting, stage backdrops, scale models, Scotchlite screens and even chroma-keying. These photographic and video anomalies alone are enough to cast serious doubt about whether they were taken on the lunar surface, but this represents only a small amount of the large body of evidence proving that Apollo moon landings, as shown in the official NASA archives, are an elaborate work of fiction.

From my observations, I have come to the conclusion that all of the 12 alleged moonwalkers presented to us in the Apollo videos and photos, were actually played by the same two actors. From a production perspective, there would be no need for any more than 2 actors, as their faces would be hidden by a visor for all of the moon landing footage. They probably also used some audio and video footage of the real astronauts taken previously during training simulations. Most of the Apollo space program was real, including blast-off and splashdown. But the part about landing on the moon was fabricated.

As with all conspiracies of this magnitude, the only way the truth can ever come out is if the perpetrators openly admit what they did. Unfortunately, this rarely happens. However, if the Apollo landings were faked, there are several good reasons why the truth will come out soon. Firstly, there are many more space agencies on the planet than there were a few decades ago, that are all interested in exploring the moon. And some have already made good progress. If any of these space agencies attempt a manned lunar mission in the future, and the photos and videos of the moon differ significantly from those of the Apollo missions, then people will start to ask serious questions. Within another few years, it may even be possible for individuals to send their own probes to the moon's surface and beam back video straight to their iPods. And if any of this imagery contradicts NASA's Apollo moon imagery then this would blow the whole scam wide open for all to see. But you don't need to wait until then to confirm for yourself that the Apollo moon landings were faked. All you need to do is listen to NASA's excuses as to why they haven't sent a human being further than 300 miles from Earth since 1972.

If NASA wants us to believe the Apollo moon landings were real, the onus is on them to provide irrefutable evidence to support their claim, and they have failed to do this. The photo and video evidence can be discounted because of the many inexplicable anomalies they contain, and by virtue of the fact that it is possible to create realistic images of the moon using a studio setup. The moon rock evidence can also be discounted because the same rocks can easily be found in Antarctica. Also, a piece of moon rock that NASA gave to the Dutch National Museum turned out to be nothing more than petrified wood. In any case, in order to collect rocks from the moon, you do not need to send humans there. The Soviet Union was using robotic landers to collect moon rocks in the 1960s and 70s. As for the laser reflector on the moon, this does not prove that humans landed on the moon. A reflector could be landed on the moon just as easily as a probe. But in any case, in the 1960s the Soviets showed that they could bounce laser beams off parts of the moon's surface without the need for a laser reflector. So we can't even be certain that there is a laser reflector on the moon anyway. And as for claims that the Soviets were able to track the Apollo craft all the way to the moon and back, well that's a big red-herring because the Soviets were only able to do this from 1972, which incidentally, was just a few weeks before NASA canceled the Apollo 18 mission and abandoned the rest of the program altogether. None of NASA's so-called evidence proves they actually sent humans beyond Earth's orbit or landed them on the surface of the moon. On top of that, NASA has made itself look even guiltier by attempting to cover up its sloppy mistakes in the photographic record of the Apollo program. They have recently been caught altering and removing the incriminating photos from their website in an attempt to cover their tracks.

As for a conspiracy like this needing thousands of people to keep secret, well that's a red-herring too, because in reality, the Apollo program was completely compartmentalized so only a handful of senior insiders would have needed to know the big picture.


🔗 All Credit To JohnWatkinsChannel:

Mirrored - Just a Dude

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