Article 5112 Video - International Public Notice: Two Thieves By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5112 Video - International Public Notice: Two Thieves - Monday, November 11, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Remember that Jesus was crucified between two thieves, and so are we. One thief denied him, but the other repented. That also is our experience in The United States.

We have quite literally been in the thrall of two thieves, both intent on milking us like cows for the better part of two centuries; the first thief has been described as "the Military Complex" and the second thief has been dubbed "the Industrial Complex", but both have been black-hearted pirates so far as we are concerned.

The apparent repentance of the new Trump Administration is, to some extent, music to the ears of us cattle. A commitment to end war is always good, but if you already have things staged so that your Partner in Crime will perpetuate war against you, it's a hollow promise.

You can have your war and eat it, so long as you are the one being attacked and look like the underdog, too.

Trump, representing the Military Complex, (even though as we have seen, there is no actual military present under his command) is already struggling with a migrant invasion which the Enemies of all Mankind are using as a diversion.

Our actual military doesn't stand under Trump and has different paymasters.

Plans are underway by the Drug Cartels and the EU Industrial Interests to invade Arizona and steal the gold hoard amassed from the mysterious Grand Canyon Civilization. This hoard is, by itself, estimated to exceed all present gold reserves held by banks, and for this reason, is viewed as a threat by the BRICs and the gold-hoarding European Industrial Complex.

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