
4 months ago

“It’s not the man, obviously — it’s the office and the symbol of the organisation that he represents“, Sinéad O'Connor said in an interview with Time. “In Ireland, we see our people are manifesting the highest incidence in Europe of child abuse…
…The priests have been beating the shit out of the children for years and sexually abusing them…
…They have been controlled by the church, the very people who authorised what was done to them, who gave permission for what was done to them…”

Sinéad O'Connor, who started to sing the lyrics:
“We have confidence in good over evil,” held up a photograph of Pope John Paul II to the camera at the very moment she sang the word “evil”, and with a flash of intensity, both in her eyes and vocal, she began tearing it up in pieces, throwing them at the camera and stating: “Fight the real enemy”.

The evil church:
❗️ https://t.me/joinRESISTANCEChannel/3144 ❗️


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