No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 081: SplashScreen, no double-clicks, repeatable spinbox buttons

3 months ago

Streamed on 2024-11-11 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

I started out the day with a couple of easy cleanup items from the TODO list. An animation when exiting Settings wasn't getting some things all the way off the screen. Then I added the new game logo and name to the MainMenu. Once warmed up, I added a SplashScreen to show the company name before moving to the MainMenu. There was a bit of fiddling with the animation between the scenes. In the end it turned out pretty good.

After that I decided that I don't like double-clicking game elements. So the Guess was update to just trigger on a mouse button press. It feels much more responsive.

Then I addressed a complaint I had that the IntSpinBox was too painful to click up or down all way from 0 to 255. I added the concept of a repeat for MouseButtons to Input, then added the option to Buttons. By default, Buttons don't subscribe to the new repeat event, but every IntSpinBox turns it on automatically.

And lastly, with the new company name we can move the application data into a company related folder. So that's how I wrapped up the day. All-in-all, it was a pretty productive day.

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