Catholics for Marriage Restoration: Providing Hope in Tumultuous Marriages

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Catholics for Marriage Restoration (CFMR) assists unjustly abandoned or reluctantly separated men and women who remain faithful to their marriage vows as they hope for reconciliation. This assistance takes many practical forms. It begins with prayer, the most important aid in staying faithful. Since 2021, separated faithful have participated in a daily Rosary conference call. After the call, there is opportunity for fellowship and connection. CFMR facilitates frequent Zoom calls with priests, a therapist, Retrouvaille leaders, an Archdiocese of Atlanta Office of Evangelization and Discipleship employee, noted authors, and a retired lawyer. Educational opportunities, including book discussions with priests and talks given by canon law experts as well as apologists, are also available. The organization anticipates its first-ever retreat in Atlanta in November 2024. The retreat will feature daily Mass, Confession, Adoration, spiritual direction, fellowship, and meals. Engaging speakers will help participants conform themselves to God’s truth and His will for their lives.

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