I love to ride my horse! 🐎 Horsey song for Kids | HeyKids Nursery Rhymes

4 months ago

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0:00 My Horse
2:11 Do the penguin wobble !
4:24 Bunny, Bunny, Hop Hop Hop!
5:27 Jungle animals for kids
8:37 Please and Thank you
10:43 My Shadow
13:12 Treehouse song
15:44 Hush Little Baby lullaby - sleeping music for kids

🐎 I love to ride my horse! - Lyrics :

Hi there, horsey! Wanna go for a ride today? Great, let’s go get ready.

I love to ride my horse
I love to ride my horse
Hi-ho it’s time to go
Out riding with my horse

Are you ready, horsey? Let’s go for a walk!

I’m walking with my horse
Walking with my horse
Hi-ho and away I go
Walking with my horse

Are you ready to go a little faster, horsey? Let’s go for a trot!

I’m trotting with my horse
Trotting with my horse
Hi-ho and away I go
Trotting with my horse

Are you ready to go as fast as we can, horsey? Then let’s gallop!

I’m galloping with my horse
Galloping with the horse
Hi-ho and away I go
Galloping with my horse

Wow, that was so much fun, but it looks like it’s time for us to go on in…

I love to ride my horse
I love to ride my horse
I wish the time would never end
For riding with my horse

See you next time, horsey ! Bye!

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