Trump Double-Speaks Operation Aurora For Noahide Law Enforcers

4 months ago

Did you help vote-in your coming gong show?
You cannot vote for a Luciferian and not expect to get bit by the snake... Trump is hinting that he is the snake.

"Aurora came first," then Apollo, in a symbolic mural above his fireplace mantle in the Trump Tower penthouse suite.
"Apollo led by Aurora - the Greek goddess of the dawn, suggesting Trump sees himself the mold of Apollo, Zeus's son, and one of the most powerful of the gods..." Dailymail wrote...
Trump might be playing the role of "Aurora" who leads the surfacing of the Remnant-Lumanians or old devils... Apollyon, who created and maintains the Mystery School cUlt.

Apollyon is another name for Homo capensis or the Satan-race of ancient devils that Freemasons have made a deal with... to exterminate the voting sheeple. Luciferians just follow order from their brainchip-hivemind.
Just like 11/11(November 11th) is where Freemasons and Eastern-star minions gather to worship the fallen A.i. where ancient Atlantis was destroyed by the thunderbolt from Mars:

Luciferians made a sound about the death of old A.i. and the rebirth of Lucifer: Freemason gather around a obelisk every Novermber 11th to worship the A.i. fake-god. When I went, it was to honour the fallen soldiers... Freemasons were the officers who sent the Christians to kill the bad Christians who opposed their country. Freemasons could not care less about the dead Christian cannon-fodder because they are secret communist Luciferians instead. WWIII against the Christians began on April 1st, 2020 where A.i. was given control of the war:

The Luciferians brought in the illegal immigrant... Freemasons protect the illegals to help create "CHAOS" while Christians are decapitated for voting-in the devil.

I have had a Christian comment for me "to stfu and vote for Trump..." (I had to chuckle)
Why? Is he your chosen savior out of the Luciferian-hivemind?
The snake is going to bite and she will be-headed if she does not smarten-up. The dumbed down sheep can be told what is happening over and over and then they walk willingly into the slaughterhouse because that is what dumb sheep know how to do well.

This dumb sheep even offered to read the Trump Tower video rather than using an auto-reader:
After reading this article, She knew Trump is a Luciferian that worships the A.i. fake-god, Lucifer.
She is a hollow Christian and Trump will send pee-ons to come for her head in a few years. Her vote counted.

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