Why The Earth Can't Be Old! - Evolution in Trouble Again

3 months ago

It is one of our most recommended resources. Chapter 4 deals with dating methods.

Is the Earth 4.5 billion years old? How can we measure age with certainty? What about radiometric dating methods—don’t they prove millions and billions of years? Does the age of the Earth even matter? What about the "Assumption Rule"?

Dr Mark Harwood discusses these topics and more, focusing especially on why an old Earth sits in conflict with the Bible, while also providing evidence for a younger age of the Earth.

Ages of millions of years are all calculated by assuming the rates of change of processes in the past were the same as we observe today—called the principle of uniformitarianism. If the age calculated from such assumptions disagrees with what they think the age should be, they conclude that their assumptions did not apply in this case, and adjust them accordingly. If the calculated result gives an acceptable age, the investigators publish it.

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101 evidences for the age of the Earth:https://creation.com/age-of-the-earth

-Observation and Assumptions
-Rate of Erosion
-Rates of Sediment in Oceans
-Geological Formations
-Evidence from our solar system
-Evidence from our Earth's Population
-Evidence from Carbon-14 in fossils

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