Shocking Video Shows Biden Staggering Through Sand, Almost Faceplanting - Jill Does Nothing To Help

4 months ago

Posted • November 10, 2024: Joe Biden can’t even walk on the beach. Just seventy more days and counting until we have a president without dementia. It’s frankly difficult to watch, and it’s astonishing that A) his handlers put him in this situation and B) that no one thought to get their butts over there and help him before he injured himself. I’m no fan of the man, but it’s still disturbing to see a mentally and physically impaired person left unaided and unattended. (…)

• More at: RedState - Shocking Video Shows Biden Staggering Through Sand, Almost Faceplanting—Jill Does Nothing to Help
Twitchy: Beach Bum Jill? President Joe Biden's Sad Sandy Struggle Ignored By First Lady

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