The Best Interpretation of Nostradamus on Donald Trump

4 months ago

Synopsis of Nostradamus’s Quatrains Regarding Donald Trump

Quatrain 1.40
The 1st Quatrain of Nostradamus in regards to Donald Trump references Anwar Sadat of Egypt, who worked on the Camp David Accords for peace in the Middle East. Nostradamus implies that he fought against the “False Trumpets”, or the Deep State who carried the facade of being a benevolent force in the world. Anwar Sadat is first referenced in the “Trump Quatrains” because he was a force who stood up to the Deep State, comparable to Donald Trump.

Quatrain 1.57
The 2nd Quatrain of Nostradamus references Donald Trump’s Abraham Accords agreement toward peace in the Middle East. This agreement was broken, or violated after Donald Trump left office with the attack on Israel, referenced as “the Land of Milk and Honey” by Nostradamus. Donald Trump’s furious rhetoric regarding the mishandling of the Middle East agreements and the funding sent to Iran by the Biden administration is what Nostradamus refers to as the “The trumpet shakes with great discord”. “An agreement broken”, and “the bloody mouth will swim with blood; the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground”, thus refers to the October 7th, 2023 attack on Israel.

Quatrain 2.44
In this Donald Trump Quatrain, Nostradamus’s metaphor of the Eagle (the United States) being driven back refers, to the suppression and manipulation of the United States. Nostradamus’s metaphor of the “Senseless Lady” (Lady Liberty symbol) refers to the insanity and madness that has been occurring in the United States in terms of common sense with social and political laws, behavior, and beliefs. “The noise of cymbals, trumpets and bells will restore the senses of the senseless lady”, refers to the free Speech Movement of alternative media, which has drummed up support and awareness of common sense principles and clarity of social and political justice, and recognition of the Donald Trump movement. This is what “restores the senses of the senseless lady”.

Quatrain 3.50
In this Quatrain “The republic of the Great City” represents political force of Washington DC. (The Republic of the Great City) “will not want to consent to the great severity” means that great resistance against the benevolent sweeping changes of Donald Trump’s 2nd presidency will occur in the government, particularly amongst Washington DC political officials. The “King summoned by trumpet to go out”, references Donald Trump’s removal of the corrupt financial banking systems, possibly rooted in the notorious Rothschild’s control and manipulation of our financial systems. Also, this may reference the Federal Reserve authorities being removed, “summoned to go out” from their corrupt positions that have affected the entire United States, and possibly the world abroad.

Quatrain 10.73
In this Quatrain, Nostradamus speaks of Donald Trump announcing the atrocities that have occurred in the United States in both the past and present. “The present time together with the past will be judged by the Great Joker”. His reference to “The Great Joker” here refers to Donald Trump because he taunted and ridiculed his enemies, which ended up exposing them, and every attack on Donald Trump invoked a rebound on his opponents and enemies. This was the great joke of the Great Joker.

Nostradamus’ line, “the world too late will be tired of him”, refers to those that still remain against Donald Trump, or those who vehemently opposed him, it will be “too late” for them, and they will fall into a distress and/or lessened power and authority.

The line “and through the clergy oath-taker disloyal” also refers to it being “Too Late” for the corruption of the clergy in the Vatican that have been disloyal to the religion’s origin, as confirmed by Cardinal Vigano’s statements about serious wrongdoings in the Vatican.

Quatrain 10.74
In this Quatrain, “The year of the great seventh number accomplished”, means by the end of 2025, and the “Games of Slaughter”, refers to the wars. “The buried will go out from their tombs” refers to atrocities and deaths that occurred in Ukraine, due to the Ukrainian government’s (in collaboration with the west) fight against Russia. To clarify, it will become known that far more deaths than reported occurred in Ukraine, and that many deaths in Ukraine went in vain. This information will be brought forth by Donald Trump’s 2nd administration.

Quatrain 10.75
Nostradamus’s statement, “Long awaited he will never return in Europe” could mean that Donald Trump will not ally with the European Union and/or parts of Europe. “One of the leagues issued from the great Hermes” is a reference to a “messenger” and it also may refer to an alliance with other parts of Europe and other countries throughout the world. “He will appear in Asia and he will grow over all the kings of the East” refers to an alliance with eastern countries, including Russia, China, and much of Asia. This alliance will create great power in the United States and it will overtake the worldwide Deep State control.

Quatrain 10.76
Nostradamus’s statement “The Great Senate will ordain the triumph for one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out” means that a more evolved future US Senate will declare Donald Trump’s efforts to remove the corruption and infiltration of the United States a victory. During, or by the end of his term, Donald Trump will have driven out human trafficking, drug trafficking, government embezzlement, corporate corruption, and much, much more. This will mark the greatest change and evolution that has occurred in decades. This is why the “Great Senate will ordain triumph”.

The final line “At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled” refers to an announcement of the wrongdoers and the seizure of the property from human traffickers, drug traffickers, foreign agents, cartels, and other that have infiltrating the United States. These organization and people will be expelled from United States, as they held a stranglehold on the government and on many people worldwide.

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