Heaven Land Devotions - The Cloud of Separation

1 month ago

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From time to time I have chosen to separate myself from things of this world for a while. Other times God has led me into solitary places for renewing and strengthening which would last days or so.

Over the past months I have been detached from all the political things going on in this land. I purposely stayed away from it all. After the 6th I felt something very striking from the Lord within. It was as if He has been pulling me out of this world, "being in the world but not of it." I cannot begin to explain the power of it.

Last night I woke up and had a brief waking vision. As I awoke for a few seconds, my mind began to think of things of this world. The thoughts were instantly interrupted by a vision.

I saw myself in a little boat drifting on a sea current away from land. As it began to drift further away, a thick white cloud began to descend between me and the view of the land until I could no longer see it anymore. I continued to be carried away by the current. I realized what had happened was from God.

I strongly sense that there is something happening, not only in me, but I think in the lives of many narrow path travelers. I believe there is a necessary detachment and separation He is doing among many of the remnant believers at this time.

Let His cloud of separation come between you and this world until you no longer can see it, nor want to be in it, or return to it.

Live in pure, holy places of separation where the Light is and Jesus voice is easily heard, and remain there.

"Work is not always required. There is such a thing as sacred idleness." ~ George MacDonald

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