Christopher Jon Bjerknes Predicted It All on 22 JULY 2006 in This Historic Interview

2 months ago

On 22 JULY 2006, Christopher Jon Bjerknes warned the world that Israel would deliberately bring about a nuclear WW III. He expressly stated that Israel would commit genocide against Gazans and Lebanese and expand into Greater Israel. Bjerknes explained in precise detail that they would turn the entire world against America and Israel and unite them to bring America and Israel down together. Bjerknes stated that their goal was nuclear war against Iran and Syria to instigate a global nuclear conflagration. Bjerknes recommended shuttering all Israeli embassies and consulates and boycotting Israel. Bjerknes advocated for world peace and explained that they were employing their messianic apocalyptic prophecies as plans which they themselves fulfilled through deliberate action without divine intervention. Bjerknes revealed that this plan is 2,500 years old as clarified through the Old Testament and Kabbalah. Instead of heeding the clear warnings and 100% accurate predictions of Christopher Jon Bjerknes, all forms of media set about to relentlessly smear and silence him. He publicly issued his dire warnings for 30 years and though many steal and plagiarize his work, no major form of media acknowledges, platforms or credits him for his unique insights, warnings and predictions. Daryl Bradford Smith conducted the historic interview which has influenced many leading voices who copy Bjerknes without attributing these insights to him. Smith himself could not conceive that Bjerknes could possibly be correct, but history has proven Bjerknes was exactly right. Bjerknes has been perfectly consistent and entirely accurate for 30 years of public life and though many plagiarize his work, no large influencer will platform him or promote his work.
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