Cop pulls gun on kids He was scared for his life and was never charged but decertified in Georgia

4 months ago

LYONS POLICE DEPARTMENT Incident# 21-05-0347
Sgt. Colvin arrived and located the vehicle at the intersection of Clifton and Reidsville Road. I arrived, and he was talking to the female driver. The male in the passenger seat got out. He was Scott Bowman. I asked him what was going on. He stated that he was surrounded by children and got scared. He got out of his vehicle and asked them what was going on. He stated that, with everything going on in the world, he was scared about what they were going to do. I asked him to describe their ages. He stated 10 to 12 and maybe around 5 also. I asked him how many, and he stated there were around 8 to 10. He first stated that he only had his firearm under the seat but did not bring it out. He stated that they came to get his nephew and did not know where he lived, and they were waiting at the mailboxes for around 10-15 minutes.
Walls stated that he had it on him but did not point it at anyone. She stated that she was unfamiliar with the location and was scared of the children coming up to the car also. She stated that they had come to pick up Bowman's nephew to go fishing.
The Reeses showed up. Sgt. Colvin began to talk to them. Neither of the three juveniles could describe the firearm. They advised that the vehicle sat at the mailboxes for 10 to 15 to 20 minutes. They walked over to check on the car, and that is when the male got out with the gun, asking what the problem was and saying he was a jail officer. They went home and told their parents. Sgt. Colvin went to locate other witnesses.
I explained the situation to Bowman. I explained that he should use care and that there were other options besides pulling his firearm on children because they walked up to his car. He stated that he made a mistake and would learn from this. Chief Walker was going to relay the incident to the sheriff.

keywords: dispatched call, silver car, man with gun, orange shirt, impersonating police, jail officer, Sgt Colvin, Clifton intersection, Reidsville Road, female driver, male passenger, Scott Bowman, frightened by children, firearm possession, under seat, waited at mailboxes, nephew pickup, 10-12-year-olds, scared of children, juvenile witnesses, incident report, Chief Walker, sheriff notification, handling firearms, reckless display, public safety, firearm misjudgment, parental report, investigating witnesses, open records

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