Ear Worms 023 - Great Moments from Blade Runner & the Film's Score by Vangelis Part 2 of 3

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This is part 2 of our exploration of Blade runner. Blade Runner 1982 is a legendary science fiction classic film based on "Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep?" by Phillip K. Dick. As we are Ear Worms, we will be paying special attention to the score of the film composed by Vangelis. We will be talking about the film's background, great cinematic moments, and great moments from the score and its integration into the film. As we are in the middle of the film, we will be exploring some more of the philosophical epistemological questions that the film poses.


Jay Goodwin stream regularly on B sides at B Roll Stage: https://youtube.com/@brollstage and periodically on Mr. Brown Alliance: https://youtube.com/@mrbrownalliance
Psyche Electro-Acoustic Opera Company: https://youtube.com/@psycheopera
Mike "Mountain Hawk" Gourley: https://www.youtube.com/ @MikeMountainHawkGourley


The Wayfarer Project Merch Store: https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-wayfarer-project/
The Wayfarer Project Website: https://thewayfarerproject.com
The Wayfarer Project (Music channel): https://youtube.com/@thewayfarerproject
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