Georgia SoS CAUGHT altering absentee ballots-222k ballots in 2min-281k requests-1203%acceptance rate

2 months ago

-1,203% acceptance rate, the highest (Bibb County), means 12 times more ballots were voted then they mailed to voters. The two pictures of the totals are before and after.
-"Before": ~63k ballots requested, rcv'd and returned BUT 285,855 BALLOTS ACCEPTED
-"After" shot shows them adjusting the requests to 344k and received to 288k, that's the cover-up.
-Video shows the acceptance rates in the different counties going crazy in the lower right corner with the impossible "before" state totals on the banner.
--Caught by *DogAnd Bone @curious cat*
video info:

190 views Premiered 5 hours ago
Georgia - Election 2024 - Changing **Absentee Ballot Acceptance Rate of up to 1203.06% for each County**
"This is a video which captures the SoS Election Datahub updating/changing absentee ballots information in real-time. I captured this live within 1.5 minutes before the screen returned to its normal numbers. There appears to be a time warp, wherein sometimes only seconds, details change by going backwards to past data, altering the numbers before coming back to present day with the same or new numbers. This occurs across all information, including precinct/ballot categories/races, etc I was lucky to capture this for everyone to see. I have many more to share shortly....I now have the evidence that Trump needs to finally get rid of those machines. Enjoy!!"

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