Dr. Ryan Martin | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #543

1 month ago

Dr. Ryan Martin (aka the Anger Professor) is a psychology professor, author, and the Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. He’s an expert on anger, and the author of How to Deal with Angry People, and Why We Get Mad: How to Use Your Anger for Positive Change.

“The Anger Professor” Dr. Ryan Martin joins Theo to talk about why we get mad, how anger from childhood reappears later in life, what’s really going on when people get road rage, and how to deal with these feelings in a better way.

Dr. Ryan Martin: https://www.instagram.com/angerprofessor

His book, “Why We Get Mad”: https://bit.ly/3NX53j0


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Music: “Shine” by Bishop Gunn Bishop Gunn - Shine


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This Past Weekend
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Producer: Zach https://www.instagram.com/zachdpowers
Producer: Nick https://www.instagram.com/realnickdavis/
Producer: Cam https://www.instagram.com/cam__george/
Producer: Colin https://instagram.com/colin_reiner
Producer: Ben https://www.instagram.com/benbeckermusic/

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