Priests, Pagans, and Prophets – Deut. Chpt. 18

3 months ago

Last week we looked at three groups of people and how God expected the Israelites to deal with them. The groups were: idolaters, shady characters, and kings. Deuteronomy 18 covers three more. Today we are going to talk about the priests, the pagans, and God's prophets. As you might expect, God has pointed words regarding all of them.

In all of this is a glimmer of hope: THE Prophet spoken of by Moses. We know that Prophet to be Jesus himself. So even way back when, 2nd generation Israel was given the hope of salvation through her Messiah. A hope that predated Israel's need for a military leader by nearly 1,000 years. They had it all: the promised land, God's blessing, and a Messiah.

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