Eastern Orthodoxy's Failure: Appeal to the "Protestantism-Bad" Argument

2 months ago

We've heard it from Kamala Harris and her band of now deflated Democrats for months about Donald Trump; they said "Trump bad, Orange Man bad, therefore Kamala good".

Unfortunately, I find the Eastern Orthodox church is no better than Kamala Harris in arguing for the validity, inerrancy/infallibility and authority of their own extra-Biblical traditions. Most of the time, appeals to personal incredulity and arguing "Protestantism bad" or Sola Scriptura so Stupid = Eastern Orthodox traditions good/infallible/authoritative".

This is an obvious non-sequitur and so, I was desperate for some actual direct evidence for Orthodox claims regarding their traditions, I asked Tyler Fowler and John Whiteford on Faith Unaltered for any evidence directly supporting their position as I think this is the single most important issue regarding Orthodoxy as it can speak to literally every other contention. I critically evaluate their answers.

RSM Blog = https://realseekerministries.wordpress.com/2024/02/20/the-biblical-canon-protestantism-vs-eastern-orthodoxy/

YouTube Video = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7x-MD1At2k

Spotify = https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/real-seeker-ministries/episodes/Eastern-Orthodoxys-Failure-Appeal-to-the-Protestantism-Bad-Argument-e2qovdu

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