Dr. Sabine Hazan: Remember, it's all about the price of a stock, right?

2 months ago

" Remember, it's all about the price of a stock, right? So if the drug, you cannot make more than 300 or $600, and you have a chance to make $1,000 with a new drug like Paxlovid, which is a new unknown."

"Now, here's the thing, most people don't realize that when people innovate drugs, there are compounds in these drugs that you have no idea what's in the compound, right? So in other words, a biologic, well, how is it made? How do we get to have a biologic? How is it made in the lab, et cetera? There's a secrecy there that protects the compound so it doesn't get recreated. And then somebody creates a patent, and then the patent goes in, and then essentially the product goes into market."

"I could have easily called hydroxychloroquine Z-PAC. you know, just Hazy pack and nobody would have known what's in there. I could have easily called ivermectin doxycycline zinc, ZyverDox and nobody would have even thought about it. And I would have probably gotten investors and I probably would have had a price of a stock on that product. Right. However, that was not my intent."

"My intent was to try to save as many lives as possible and also wake up the public to what's going on in my, you know, because of my experience. I feel that we've paid attention too much to the price of the stock. I've been doing research for 30 years now and I've seen amazing products that have never gotten to market. And I've seen disaster products that have gone to market. We have a problem right now. We have a problem. And if we don't address this problem and we don't address... doing the research properly and bringing these products to market, we're not gonna advance science and medicine."

"And unfortunately, it is biased by somebody that is controlling the price of that stock. And so when you look at my products, unfortunately, it was not a product that you could raise a price of a stock on. It was not a product that anybody wanted to invest in, except me and Dr. Borody, because we felt, well, this is the answer. I've lost no one during the pandemic, and I'm going to repeat that. I did the clinical trials and no one died from any of the patients that we enrolled during the pandemic. So there's a problem there."

"Now as far as the FDA, well, the FDA knows I've done hundreds of clinical trials, not only me, but my sisters have done hundreds of clinical trials. My sister, my second sister is the one that brought ivermectin to the market and Harvoni to the market. I mean, we have storage of data. in our storage containers on all these clinical trials we've done over the years. So the FDA can really come all of a sudden, you know, for 30 years, you know, at least in the last 14 years where I've been investigated, never had a problem with the FDA."

"All of a sudden, I do a clinical trial on ivermectin doxycycline and I actually showed it to them because I was so proud during the pandemic to show them the success of this trial. They realized that I didn't submit a form to the FDA on time and to the IRB on time. And basically we got dinged a 483 for not submitting a form. How are you thinking of submitting forms when you're treating 52 patients a day and you're busy on the front line, and not sleeping at night, because people are desaturating and there's no money in these clinical trials."

"And you're basically spending the money to do these clinical trials. Every patient cost me $3,500 to treat. And then when we saw the corruption, we said, well, you know what, we're done with the trial."

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