Kingdom of God 5 - A Kingdom of Priests - Steve Gregg

3 months ago
58 | 5. A Kingdom of Priests
I. The church is the kingdom of priests (Ex. 19:5-6/ 1 Pet. 2:9/ Rev.1:6; 5:10)
II. The priestly calling (Heb. 5:1, 4)
III. Priestly privilege (Num.18:20)
IV. Priestly responsibilities
A. To be holy (Lev. 21:6 / Romans 14:7-9/ 1 Pet.1:14-16/ Psalm 15)
B. To teach God’s word (Lev.10:10-11/Mal.2:7 / Matt.28:19-20)
C. To offer sacrifices (1 Pet.2:5)
1. Our own bodies (Rom.12:1 / 6:13/ 1 Cor.6: 19-20)
2. Our own possessions (Phil.4:18 / 2 Sam.24:24)
3. Our thanksgiving and praise (Heb.13:15-16 / Psalm 141:2 / Rev.5:8)

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