Hilarious Dad Starts To Feel Pretty After A Makeover

6 years ago

This video is absolutely hilarious! It tells a story about two little girls who decided to make their dad feel beautiful. If you are up for a good laugh, this hilarious case of a dad makeover will provide you with that for sure! As the clip begins, you can see the two little girls having the best time putting makeup all over their dad’s face. They couldn't be more excited! And you can tell that he’s starting to feel pretty thanks to that lipstick! Mom comes along just to check the aftermath and to have a good laugh! The only thing that dad has to say in the end is that he really hopes the makeup comes off. Don’t worry, dad! There is such thing as a makeup remover, maybe the little girls should introduce their dad to it after they are done putting makeup on his face. LOL! Too funny for words!

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