Prophets and Prophecy - Standing in the Gap as Seattle Crumbles - Ezekiel 13

4 months ago

Prophetic gifts are there to edify and support the church. There is a long history of prophecy in the Bible that continues today even if not everything was written down. God has called me to prophecy and preach and plant churches someday and this is difficult not glamorous. This is because one of Gods primary purposes for prophets is to build up a wall and stand in the gap. That requires tempered mortar which requires heat and so we can expect tribulation and testing. Tribulations are what bring perseverance as stated on Romans 5:3. Any prophet or preacher who is not called of God will fall. Speaking from your own spirit or soul is not prophecy. You do not need to be ordained a prophet or apostle or preacher by some church elder but you do need to be called of God. This will be clear instruction that comes from a lifestyle of surrender to the Holy Spirit. In my case this was also confirmed by other gifted people when I was not looking for confirmation.

Ezekiel Chapter 13 prophet duties and roles in end times
Romans 5:3 tribulations and turbulence of end times

House church,Christian preaching,Bible teaching,end time prophecy,non-denominational praise and prayer,Christian revival, Hoquiam Washington, Pacific Rim of Holy Spirit Fire,fasting,chosen,anointed preaching and praise,fasting,prophetic gift,apostle,prophet,healing,watchman,intercession,evangelism,word of God,plain truth preaching,end times, end time prophecy,sign of the times,acts of a prophet,Seattle's destruction and desolations,sinful pride,sound the trumpet for holy war,spiritual warfare,coming exile,revelation prophecy,prophecy coming true,supernatural vision,supernatural revelation,revelation church,end time tribulation, revelation for end times,watchman on the tower,crumbling ancient gates,ruins of Seattle,collapse of Seattle,a trumpet is sounding,prophetic advice,building a wall,standing in the gap,

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