Sarah Alami | Occupied Palestine ("Israel"): A Colony Of U.S.A (Mother Of White Settler Colonialism)

2 months ago

What do "zionism" and "manifest destiny" have in common? Both are ideologies meant to justify or moralize white settler colonialism by invoking God and religion.

Ashkenazi and Sephardic white people claiming to be Jews is absurd because they have no DNA connection to ancient biblical Hebrews and Israelites, let alone the Levant region of the West Asia (Middle East).

And let's be clear, all Arabs are Semites, but Palestinians (and Mizrahi Arabs, and some Ethiopians, Iraqis, and Iranians) are not only Semites but also the ONLY ones who are genetically closest to ancient biblical Hebrews/Israelites, according to science (DNA).

'Israelis' are not even Semites. They are genetically "white" (Europeans) according to science (DNA).

Besides, everybody knows Jesus was NEITHER "black" (African) NOR "white" (European). Jesus was "brown" (Semite). Jesus was/is Palestinian.

So, if you believe in Abrahamic religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism), particularly the Christian bible, and are anti-Palestinian, you are essentially anti-God's TRUE chosen people and Anti-TRUE Semites.

Present-day 'Israel' (i.e., OCCUPIED Palestine) is a perpetuation of white supremacy, FAKE white Jesus, and FAKE white "Jews" that cater to both the messianic teachings of white Christians and the geopolitical interests of the evil U.S. empire in oil-rich West Asia (Middle East) and North Africa.

#SynagogueOfSatan Synagogue Of Satan

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