Philip Giraldi Former CIA Officer Apr 9, 2014

3 months ago

(00:00) Is Israel a U.S. ally?
(00:45) Israel’s role in U.S. invasion of Iraq
(01:05) Casus Belli —> U.S. War w Iran
(03:02) Israeli interference with U.S. elections

(03:25) Manufacturing a pretext to draw the US into future conflict (akin to Lavon affair or the false flag attack on the USS liberty)

(04:10) Israel’s espionage against the U.S.
(04:45) Large Scale Israeli spying in 911
(06:00) Israel stealing American technology; selling U.S. military technology to China

(08:40): U.S. GAO reports “Israel conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the United States of any U.S. ally.”

(09:25) Many cases of Israeli espionage are dropped by order of the DOJ

2014 National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel “Special Relationship”

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