NOW FREE Ampknob S Zero 100 One Knob Bogren Digital The One Knob Revolution LIMITED TIME FREE

4 months ago

Ampknob MLC S_Zero 100 gives you a distraction-free path to boutique tube amp sound, providing world-class quality and a straightforward workflow.

Get high-end guitar amp tones with minimal effort, and stay focused on laying down great guitar parts and solos. Ampknob S_Zero 100 has been designed to sound great from the moment you launch the plugin.

Should you want to make any adjustments, the controls have been boiled down to a single knob and a switch. There’s a lot going on underneath the hood of Ampknob MLC S_Zero 100 — all so you can simply plug in and rock out.

One knob, three channels
The original MLC S_Zero 100 is a three-channel monster amp with many possibilities. With the Ampknob MLC S_Zero 100 plugin, we have captured the breadth of available sounds within the range of a single knob.

Low Gain setting: This is Channel 1 of the original MLC S_Zero 100, which goes from clean and sparkly to a deep, three-dimensional overdrive.
Mid Gain setting: Here’s where you’ll find the the tasty organic tube crunch of Channel 2.
High Gain setting. You guessed it! Turn the Gain knob up high and you will expose the world to the fire-breathing yet dynamic Channel 3 of the original MLC S_Zero 100

GET THE Ampknob S Zero 100 FREE for a LIMITED TIME ➥


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