My Altean connection memories | June 24th 2024 | Galactic & Terran connections

4 months ago

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In this video on the "Galactic & Terran connections memories" series, I share an excerpt of the book I'm presently working on, that encompasses all my starseed connections and memories since childhood.

This excerpt describes the corroborations that my dear friends and star sisters MylĆØne Surprenant and Vicky Vasquez have had in our dreams and shamanic vision quests, regarding our soul matrix world in the Altean system. Our memories corroborate but also complement each other, as we each bring our own pieces of the jigsaw puzzles of our shared lifetimes.

What is my starseed journey?

Through my intuitive inner journey of self-rediscovery of the last few years, I realized that I am a starseed, with an Altean soul matrix. I am part of a collective consciousness named the Mella collective, which constitutes my soul cluster.

The Mella collective, which includes my twin flame named Eriel, is of high frequency and always offers invitations to see things from a different perspective, in all kindness, benevolence, humor, simplicity and high vibrations.

It also inspires my creative work, such as my writing, travel photography, ink drawings, Japanese washi chiyogami paper art collages, as well as my harmonizing endeavors, Creative Intuitive Transmissions (CIT) and inner guidance communications.

I have also discovered that my incarnations in the galaxy Nataru (Milky Way) and beyond, are plentiful in the Man system (K62) of the "Lyran" constellation; in the Ashaara system (Taygeta) of the Manahu (Pleiades), as member of different star nations such as the: Laani, Ahil, Taali, Errahil, Altean, etc.

I share these recovered memories, obtained through shamanic vision quests, vivid dreams and inner knowing (claircognizance), in a series of videos on my YouTube channel "The grounded starseeds" entitled "Galactic & Terran connections memories".

#mylenesurprenant #vickyvasquez #alteans

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