Fatima and Communism | Do You Need Authority to Consecrate a Foreign Nation?

2 months ago

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In the 1970s, Sister Lucia began speaking of churchmen have fallen under a diabolical disorientation. A clear sign is when prelates - the pope and bishops - no longer remain faithful to the perennial teaching of the Church. Quod ubique, semper, et ab omnibus. What has always been taught, in every place, and by all. Going all the way back to the college of the Apostles and Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

For example, many previous popes - standing in continuity with all of Church teaching - condemned the modern errors of religious indifferentism, of man being “free” to choose whatever religion he believes true or best, of separation of Church and Sate, or the notion that a state should not confess the Catholic Faith in its constitution or formal acts of state. All these errors go against the universal and social kingship of Christ and the truth the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ and the only Ark of Salvation.

And so the question we pose today to Fatima expert, Fr. Karl Stehlin, is quite common; and it reflects a mentality that has succumbed to these modern errors. In effect, it implies that Christ the King has been uncrowned!

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