I'm Sorry President Trump

3 months ago

A while back, I dropped the track "Tiny Grasping Hands," a song that didn't hold back in critiquing The Mango Mussolini. At the time, I felt his flaws were more than enough material to work with. But now, I’ve seen the error of my ways! Take, for example, when I compared Donald to a clown. I completely overlooked that clowns are part of the circus, and nobody loves the circus like the American public! And no, my newfound appreciation has absolutely nothing to do with President Trump’s rise to being the world’s most influential figure. It’s a genuine change of heart, totally on my own... seriously.

Oh, and for those wondering why the boy band looks...less like a traditional boy band and more like a collection of questionable haircuts, that's because I attempted to use photos from various stages of my life to create this ugly bunch.


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