Live Broadcast: Election Day

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My name is Kimberly Hoover. I am born again of the Water and of the Spirit since 2004, and am a chosen vessel of Jesus Christ for the following mission: to preach the Gospel to every creature and bring forth the the End Time message, that Christ returns soon. I am married to my wonderful husband, Timothy, have 5 children, and 1 grandchild. The Lord has called me into the prophetic ministry, into teaching, and have been actively involved with music and children’s ministry at our local church over the years. I am also a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of Wisconsin.

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Prophetic Word from 11/5/24--Election Day.

Tell My people that I win. God wins always. Even when it doesn’t look like it or you don’t feel like it, I win, saith the Lord. I am above all and through you all, that you yield yourselves to Me so that I work. The Kingdom of God, My Kingdom, is for those who fight on My behalf through prayer, who have given themselves over to Me completely, and have been born again of the water and the Spirit. My Spirit reigns in those who yield to Me. But woe to those who come against My anointed. Woe to you, saith the Lord, who devise wicked schemes to cast down My children, My chosen. O, that My chosen will be found faithful. O, that they would be clay in the hands of the Potter. I am the Potter, you are the clay, children. Let Me mold and make you, transform you, into who I want you to be, who I call you to be in Me. Rise up to the occasion, children. I call you to rise up today. Take on My Name, use it for My glory. I shall use you mightily, saith the Lord. Yield to Me. Turn from sin. Turn from sin and idolatry. Cast down the Jezebel spirit through prayer using My Name. Rise up, take up the bed and walk. You are healed. Those who are sick, proclaim you are healed. Stand on My Word and praise for the victory of healing. Know your God and you will be strong and do exploits, saith the Lord. Enter into My grace, My abundant grace, children, for you. I love you, saith the Lord of Hosts, your Redeemer.

Scriptural References:
Daniel 11:31-33
1 Peter 4:1-19

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