Muse uprising bass cover Muse band genre

2 months ago

#museuprising #musebandgenre
Muse uprising bass cover Muse band genre Muse cover Muse bass cover

I heard this band the first tiem when i met a girl who said you need to listen to this band Knights of Cydonia is an excellent song . But the other day i was in the car and heard this song What an excellent song and the bass line is original . Muse uprising bass cover The bass line is not hard to play as it is about 4 notes all the way through . But the way it is played is not used in bass too much ans makes the sound original .

Muse band genre The notes on bass guitar for this song is like funk spal notes I used the little finger on this song The little finger in bass guitar is not used often and it is where people are weak playing bass guitar . Muse cover This is the peculiarity of this song it is using the little finger a lot on bass guitar . Muse bass cover The message and song is very powerful Too bad Muse is so polished otherwise for me Many good songs and they are true messengers of truth and good music Enjoy

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