US elections

4 months ago

Glenn Greenwald comments on a few interesting facts.
The Democrat party campaigns are based on racial identity. But not on class/wealth. But many people identify more strongly with their employment than they do with their race. Many US citizens are more concerned about inflation and their income than they are with race, gender identity, abortion, or the Ukraine war.
The failure of the Democrat party to gain public support is primarily because, he suggests, there is an elite of Democrat politicians and news media who are not concerned with the same problems as the US public.
Myself, I wonder if these Democrat elite are more interested in
-Lobbying for weapons sales, and war.
-Creating an ideal Utopia where there is zero racism and sexism
-Dividing up the people based on identity so that they can gain political support, rather than actually helping real people.
Greenwald conjectures that the disconnection with the public is proved by the actions of the Democrat party in that their news media has blamed the loss of the presidential election on the unethical attitudes of the public. Rather than blaming the loss on their policies and their government administration that did not serve the US public and did not represent them.

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