No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 080: Finishing the MusicPlayer

4 months ago

Streamed on 2024-11-07 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

Picking up where we left off yesterday, I was right back to working on the MusicPlayer. The shuffle function got a couple of minor adjustments. Then I added a MusicPlayer to the base Scene class. I made a MusicLibrary to hold all the Playlists in a single place. Each Scene can now load its own playlist to distinguish it from other Scenes. Each Scene can also now check for holidays and pick appropriate music if they want, or check other criteria such as game mode. The last piece of the puzzle was to fade the song out while the scene is exiting so the song doesn't cut off abruptly. With that done, the MusicPlayer is ready for general use when we get the final music.

With the little time left I added a "size" check for Images in the ImageWarehouse. For now, the image size is derivable from the width and height in pixels. However, in the future we will be compressing the image data and the size of the data will not be the same as the derived size given the image dimensions. Then I started working on a new game logo, but didn't end with one I was happy with by the time I had to go. We'll pick up there next week.

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