KMMU Livestream - WellnessCrusaders interview Dr. Brain Moench

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Dr. Brian Moench speaks out about the Great Salt Lake and chemical toxins that are drying up the Great Salt Lake. All these chemicals are environment hazards to our health. They are being released into the Utah's air and harming our families.

Dr Brian Moench's group, Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment is dedicated to protecting the health and well being of the residents of Utah by promoting science-based education and interventions that result in measurable improvements to the environment and health

Dr. Brian Moench has championed policy changes, public awareness campaign, and legal actions aimed at reducing pollution and protecting community health

New study from last week estimates that the new reformulated Roundup, replacing Bayer's (formely Monsanto) glyphosate with a group of four new active ingredients, is now, on average, 45 times more toxic to humans than glyphosate. One of the four chemicals is 200 times more toxic!!

Visit his site here @

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