What's Next

4 months ago

➡️ God has shown our nation great mercy, and it comes with an opportunity. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses our responses to the Lord in this election season and what our next steps should look like. He draws from the New Testament as well as the lives of Ezra and Elijah to demonstrate that when God grants His people grace and mercy, we need to have the boldness and courage to use that opportunity to advance His Kingdom. Christ-followers have the privilege of serving the Lord, and while we may face derision or rejection, we need to have the boldness to stand in our faith. Will we have the courage to do the difficult things necessary for our nation to regain the strength that only comes from a foundation in godliness?

❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - November 6, 2024 - What's Next

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World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth.

Learn more about World Outreach Church: https://wochurch.org/
Learn more about Pastor Allen Jackson: https://allenjackson.com/

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