Poubelle a la Shandi ep.1

2 months ago

24SMCV05052 Exhibit A
Anita Shandi. Confirm receiving and comprehending this email. Shandi and Erickson has gone all out, since madame vice president harris stepped into power, encouraging city contractors to ramp up torture, repress, threaten, intimidate with verbal assaults armed with adam eramians signature pepper spray. Deploying lowlife criminal misfits that are the complete opposite of what myself and our authentic, civilized platform curating moral standards based on ethical brilliance, such as we are accustomed to expect and truly cherish about beverly hills. When yalls refusal to file regular police reports, leaving terrorizing incidents swept under the rug, it distorts the public, projecting a false sense of security, leaving us having to argue with cops that it is far safer to be outside than any lahsa facilities. We are tired of the violence and irreparable harm shandi inflict upon our community day and night. In almost 51 years I am yet to take orders from nazi and over and done with being punished for impairments, shall not be exterminated nor detained for needing privacy, being exhausted with calfresh discontinued for 5 days. Again, no food stamps, while we wait patiently for hearing set for next year, with prayers for ssi/ssdi backpay expedited, and protective orders from shandi team to be restrained. This email along with all further correspondence and videographic evidence will be submitted as exhibits in pending tortious interference case presided by honorable judge Edward B. Moreton Jr. Since myself, my guidedog and our brigade of pilgrims in vicinity of weho dog park continuously, in a series of hostile events, are being obstructed by shandis team. To prevent future injuries, sprayings and stompings, mana indastreez inka cuzco, hereby pledge, to hold "safety manager" anita shandi personally responsible for further malicious violations by bringing our passion for the streets to beverly hills courthouse, from today's date November 7 2024. Plaintiff, in proper, Alis Margareta Rivera.

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