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oat milk is a scam

3 months ago

I have been saying this for a while, oat milk is a scam, especially popular brands such as Oatly…

It’s essentially a combination of inorganic oats ridden with pesticides, tap water, refined sugar, emulsifiers, rancid seed oils, and synthetic nutrients which get processed via the liver as toxins.

Unfortunately, the only way to drink oat/almond/rice milk is to make it yourself. Maybe some health stores carry good quality ones without the added garbage but very hard to find.


  • 0/2000
  • The worst of aII is the dairy miIk scam. We aren't supposed to drink miIk past the time we are weaned from our mothers. Cow's miIk is intended for growing a baby caIf into a 1,000 to 3,000 Ib aduIt bovine. Most of the miIk drinkers, who can't separate themseIves from the teat and grow up, are drinking factory farmed miIk, anyway, and that contains bovine growth hormones, steroids, antibiotics and other drugs, not to mention traces of bIood, pus, and feces. And to top it off, the crueIty to the animals InvoIved is off the charts.