💛MZB Tingz™💛 "Gave thee ol' gas pedal another go" ..NFS [NL] ✝️🕊️ | Rec.-11/06/2024 | (Mobile) [rumvid#5]🛡️⚔️

4 months ago

💛MZB Tingz™💛 "Gave thee ol' gas pedal another go" ..NFS [NL] ✝️🕊️ | Rec.-11/06/2024 | (Mobile) [rumv#5]🛡️⚔️

💛 Brief Info 💛
✿ Title: "Gave thee ol' gas pedal another go"
✿ Game(s): "Need for Speed™: No Limits (mobile)"
✿ Game Mode: Campaign Mode
✿ Server(s): NA / US / Americas / North America
✿ Vehicle(s): Subaru BRZ
✿ Current Specs: PR 289|TS 1209|Acc.981|Nitro1170
✿ - MZBugeisha Gaming™ Offline/Offstream Gameplay -
✿ Recorded: 11/06/2024
✿ Interface: OBS
✿ Device(s): HP Laptop / Motorola G Stylus
✿ Gaming Style Method: Thumbs (2 finger player/touch player)

:) Hey there, fellow rumblers! Giving the ol' gas pedal another go! Currently Working on the upgrades for my Subaru BRZ...I got a ways to go, however really enjoying the game, when time and circumstances permit! Played a lot of grand turismo and need for speed back in my very young years, on the first generation playstations! Gosh, so many memories! What is your favorite racing game of all time? ...Much love yall! 💛

#YeshuaJesusChristisLord #30plusgaming #carx #nfs #campaignmode #racinggames #needforspeednolimits
#subarubrz #carxracinghighway #mobilegaming #racing #racinggames #needforspeed #ladygamers #womangamers #levelgrinding #casualgamer #SuperBot #clips #highlights #mzbtingz #mzbugeisha #mzbugeishagaming #streamer #merch #shop #graphicdesign #videoediting #love #peace #hope #trust #determination #mentalhealth #perseverence #Believer #childofTheMostHigh #mommygaming #mommymobilegamer #livestreams #offlinegameplay #streetracingcars #streetracing

💛 Online Store | Merch Store(s) 💛
- ✿ MzBugeisha Store™:
◦ ➡️ https://mzbugeisha-shop.fourthwall.com/

💛 Donations / Support 💛
◦ ➡️ https://ko-fi.com/mzbugeisha

* More Items soon to come!" *

💛 Wish List | Upgrades/Support 💛
✿ If you would like to show support and contribute towards the development and growth of the stream, to support one of my dreams, passions and vision - please visit my wish list here at: ➡️ https://throne.com/mzbugeisha

◦ All genuine support of any amount and/or form is greatly appreciated from the bottom of my heart! If you enjoyed the video, please don't forget to • ✅ Like + ✅ Follow • as it will be greatly appreciated! It helps support the development of the channel and the content creator/streamer tremendously! It's free too...hehe :) . More to come soon and thank you for the support! Much love, be safe always and God Bless! - Anna H. aka MzBugeisha 💛🌺

✿ ...Yeshua Jesus Christ is my Lord!...💛✿

Designs: ...◦•✿💛"First off, all the glory and credit goes to my Master and Lord God Almighty, for He is the One that blesses all His children with gifts and talents! So thank you my precious Lord God Almighty for being so gracious and loving to provide your children with all the gifts/talents you bestow upon us all! May they be used for Your glory and Kingdom!" - Anna H. aka MzBugeisha ✝️🕊️🙏🏽💕✨

◦•✿ All Layouts ◉ Scenes ◉ Designs ◉ Panels/Banners ◉ Scene Transitions are Created, Written and Designed by Anna H. aka MzBugeisha. ◉ Some emotes/badges are also created, designed and written by Anna H. aka MzBugeisha: (coming soon✨)

◦•✿ "Respectively, all other custom emotes/badges I purchased (in 2022) and bear legal license(s) for my use as intended legally from various talented artist on etsy; of which are also protected under their ownership/copyrights as the original creators/artist thereof (much love & thankyou!!)." - Anna H. ◦•✿

**"Please be advised, that I do not give any verbal and/or written authorization for any of my own original content; which includes, any and all forms of my own original materials/property contained within my own original content (but not limited to thereof): writings, verbal, recorded video, recorded audio, format, images, text, titles, descriptions, original art, logos, emblems, to be used without my sole permission. I do not give any verbal and/or written authorization for any of my own original content; which includes, any and all forms of my own original materials/property contained within my own original content (but not limited to thereof) to be used unlawfully, duplicated, printed, redistributed, sold, displayed or in any other manner and/or form unlawfully, unauthorized and without my sole permission." - Anna H. **

Copyright © 2024 - 2025 MzBugeisha™; MzBugeisha Gaming™; MzBugeisha Gaming and Live Streams™; DieAlotBot™; MzBugeisha Merch™; MzBugeisha Store™; MzBugiesha Shop™; MzBugeisha Online™; MzBugeisha Segments™; MzBugeisha Auditory Relaxation & Stimulation Segments™; MzBugeisha Segments™ "Happy Decompression™"; "Happy Decompression™"; "Botanical RESToration™"; "EnclosedPatioEscapes™"; "Acoustic Cozy™"; "Relaxing RAIN-DEER™"; "MzBugeisha Segments™ "Relaxing Rapids™"; "MzBugeisha Segments™ "Sea Water Solitude™"; "MzBugeisha Segments™ "Relaxing Rapids™"; MZB Tingz™; MzBugeisha Tingz™; "Speak life, touch hearts and reach souls!" - MzBugeisha Podcast™; MzBugeisha Podcast™; "D.I.Y Projects • Learning • Observations" - MzBugiesha D.I.Y.™; MzBugeisha D.I.Y.™ by Anna H. All Rights Reserved.

_end of message.

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