Judge Orders Bill Gates to Stand Trial for Murdering Millions - english audio translations & updates

3 months ago

...this video contains english audio translations for the speakers from the Netherlands & updates from Maria of Zeee Media.

For decades, Bill Gates has committed crimes in broad daylight — conducting experiments on vulnerable children in Africa and India, masterminding a global vaccine rollout linked to millions of deaths, all while advancing a chilling agenda rooted in eugenics and depopulation.

So how has he managed to get away with it for so long?

He’s the major funder behind global health organizations, buying himself free rein to do as he pleases. He bankrolls mainstream media, ensuring they never report on him negatively. And he sits at the top of globalist institutions including the WEF, forming tight alliances with other powerful members of the cabal.

But now, a brave judge in the Netherlands has ordered Bill Gates to stand trial — and Gates is terrified. How do we know?

Because Gates begged the judge to dismiss the case, arguing that if he is held to justice in the Netherlands, there will be a “contagion effect” — his words — and the rest of the world will demand that he is bought to justice for crimes against humanity.

Tags: Bill Gates, Gates, Judge, Netherlands, murder, murderer, mRNA, vaccine, vax, vaxx, eugenics, cabal, Crimes against humanity, covid, covid 19, plandemic, pandemic, WEF, Klaus Schwab, Depopulation, Democide, Africa, India, experiments, children, global vaccine, millions of deaths, health organizations, WHO, NIH, mainstream media, globalist, institutions, contagion effect

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