X22 Report-3493-CB Moves Quickly-Trump Takes Control-DS Will Fight Back-Time To Win The War-Ad Free!

2 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3493a - Market Takes Off, [CB] Will Move Quickly Now, Trump Will Take Full Control

The people of Germany have had, the left green liberal government is done. They pushed the policies of the [CB]/[WEF] and it destroyed the country.The market is rocketing up, we normally see this after a Presidential election. Rate cuts are coming. In the end Trump will take full control.

Ep. 3493b-Election Battle Victory,[DS] Will Fight Back,Hunted Become The Hunters,Time To Win The War

The patriots outsmarted the [DS] cheating system, we played their game and won. Trump is the President Elect. The [DS] is not finished fighting, the appeals court needs rule on the hush money trial, the elections still need to be certified, this is when the [DS] will strike. Be prepared for chaos during this period. We must win the war. The hunted have now become the hunters.

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