Hilarious Little Boy Breaks Tee Ball Rules

6 years ago

If you love tee ball, you’ll be a fan of this clip for sure! As the video begins, you are presented with a scene of a tee ball game on a field. The game is on and you can tell that all of the kids are really excited. If you look closely, you’ll see that it’s a little boy’s turn to hit the ball. You go, little one! This cute tot tee ball player hits the baseball, but then, something quite unexpected happens! After he hits the ball, this little one doesn’t run to the first base, but casually walks instead! LOL! Even though everyone cheers and tells him to run, he keeps strolling away. LOL! You can tell that this little boy is not really familiar with all the tee balls rules! Or maybe, he does know the rules, but still prefers not following them! So funny!

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