40 Medical disinfo's spread by MSM Fauci and CDC and WHO child murderers 2024-11-06 17-23

3 months ago

40 medical disinfo's: Stacy Phillips on X: https://t.co/gc5jsl8Hrv

Unfortunately the audio is missing on the recording I made of the live stream.
The stream was about the social media supposedly having a negative effect on children to hide the mainstream media lies exposed on social media in theory:
The suicides among children are caused by the genocidal measures including the lethal slow kill mRNA inoculations, exposure to 5G death tower and satellite radiation and the genocidal carbon tax scam energy prices that make people turn of their heater and freeze to death because otherwise they cannot pay the energy bill and has made the price of everything go up (hyperinflation).
Besides this the suicides are caused by the Main Stream Media spreading medical disinfo's and MSM is going along with the genocidal measures (lethal bacteria bucket choke napkins, lethal injections, lethal "social distancing" to block the buildup of naturally acquired immunity which is infinitely better, telling everyone to stay at home where most contaminations occur according to the MedRXiv study and lethal lockdowns that cause tuberculosis deaths and lethal "tests" to finish everyone of with their lethal spike protein bioweapon producing injections (Nazi Eugenics). CIA's disinfo campaigns (Operation Mockingbird).
It seems to be an attempt to cut the children off from the last source where they can find some: the social media.
Just tell the children to stay anonymous and parents should check their phone so they can't be raped and murdered.
The MSM is a genocide tool like the malafide Chat GPT.
It's not normal that they predict all these horrible things and don't do anything to prevent them.
A comprehensive cyber attack, you'll own nothing, eating pathogenic parasite containing so called edible bugs, more fake plandemic scamdemic pandemics and Global Genedrive Genocide with a lethal quantum dot tattoo for a fake basic income for example.
They pretend the anti vaxers and social media are bad because they expose the lies of the government, WHO child murderers and MSM to shift the blame from the innocent to the guilty.

(Digitaal) gesprek met Jonathan Haidt over de invloed van de smartphone op de mentale gezondheid van kinderen en jongeren | Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal

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