…vax study its coming out, a second moon, time line oddities, tv predictions?

4 months ago

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…vax study its coming out, a second moon, time line oddities, tv predictions & mp beats man to ground?
08.15 vax rfk test vax
11.17 fauchi children
19.49 vax vax vax money in it
20.49 vax fish
23.02 vax forced
27.16 spirits high
30.21 vax boots killing
31.43 vax pfizor in the shit
37.33 nasa second moon returning
38.04 moon second moon coming
41.28 is this multiple suns or camera problem
41.50 time line disruption
43.28 time what is it
44.35 simpsons predictions again spot on
45.36 netflicks again
47.00 mp beats guy
48.23 illegal attempted rape
49.53 illegal terrorist
51.29 illegals get off again
51.55 ulez northdown road
52.27 extortionate car parking charges

53.19 z baby fawn bad leg

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…vax study its coming out, a second moon, time line oddities, tv predictions & mp beats man to ground?

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