Prophet Julie Green - Every Plot and Every Plan Will Fail Against You - Captions

4 months ago

On the morning of Tuesday, October 29th, 2024, Julie delivers an inspirational message despite struggling with her voice. She emphasizes the importance of focusing on God and being single-minded in faith as the year draws to a close. Reading from Psalm 111 and other scriptures, Julie reassures her audience that God’s works are powerful, just, and enduring. She addresses current fears about political corruption and election interference, reminding listeners that God is the ultimate authority and protector. Julie encourages prayer for elections, President Trump, Israel, and personal well-being. She concludes by praying for victory, protection, and justice, urging everyone to stand strong in their faith. Julie apologizes for her voice and promises to return with a prophetic word the next day.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 10-29-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Morning Devotional: God's Justice and Encouragement | October 29, 2024

In today's live devotional, the speaker dives into scriptures from Psalms, Isaiah, and Deuteronomy to emphasize God's justice and faithfulness. Despite battling a hoarse voice, the message centers on the encouragement and hope found in God's promises. With prayers for protection against adversaries and reminders of God's enduring covenant, viewers are encouraged to remain steadfast in their faith. The session concludes with a heartfelt prayer for viewers and a reminder to seek support through provided prayer resources.

00:00 Introduction and Opening Remarks
01:21 Scripture Reading: Psalm 111
02:19 God's Justice and Power
06:51 Encouragement and Prophetic Words
10:41 Prayers and Declarations
23:42 Final Words and Closing Prayer
28:13 Announcements and Farewell

Important announcements:


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org



Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 111:3, 6-9
Ps. 21:11
Isa. 54:15, 17
2 Cor. 5:7
Ps. 33:8-11
James 3:16
Heb. 13:8
Gen. 1 (entire chapter)
Deut. 7:8-9
Rom. 8:37

You have a covenant keeping God. His Word stands forever.

God reigns over all nations.

Declare and decree Ps. 21:11.

Your enemies have wicked schemes they're devising, but they will not succeed. God's plans will prevail.

God is telling you not to fear what happened in 2020. Your enemies' plans will not succeed.

Pray over your ballot and vote and that God would protect it.

No matter the adversity and the attacks, God wins and He reigns.

You are under attack by the enemy, but no weapon formed against you will prosper.

Don't lose hope. Keep standing and holding the line.

God's truth stands forever.

God has chosen this nation, Israel and you.

God is a covenant keeping God!

Your enemies will not win. Continue to stand fast and know that God is delivering you and your nation. Keep your heart fixed on God.

You are more than a conqueror and have the victory.



Good morning everybody, today is Tuesday, October 29th of 2024, and I really hope you can see me and hear me this time. I will talk as loud as I possibly can talk. As you can see, my voice is, well, oh, I am now hearing myself. Okay, so at least I know there's volume. I will do the best that I can. To give you out the word of God today with this type of voice, I almost canceled today because of the way it sounds, but I want to give you as much encouragement as I can this morning because God has words to say.

And so as we are going closer toward the end of this year. God wants each and every one of us to be single minded and have our hearts focused on Him. So I'm going to do the best job that I can for you today. I don't know how long I will be on with you today, but I will do the best that I can.

Hopefully this voice does not sound too annoying this morning for you. Okay, so I am going to start. With the scripture and Psalm 111, Psalm 111. Okay. And I'm going to start with well, let's hear on it. I want to start with verse three, Psalm 111 and verse three, and it says his works are honorable and glorious and his righteousness endures forever.

He's made his wonderful works. to be remembered. And so all the mighty works that God is doing across this land, and for each and every one of us, they will be remembered. God is not going to share in His glory and what is taking place in this nation. And what is taking place in each and every one of us.

God is giving us light. He's giving us revelation knowledge. He's pouring out His glory. Like never before and I want to keep reading in psalm 111 and verse 4 and it says He has made his wonderful works to be remembered and the Lord is gracious and full of compassion Now what you jump down to verse 6 He has declared to his people the power of his works and giving them to the heritage of the nations You The works of his hands are variety, variety and justice.

So we have to know that God is the God of justice and his hand he's talked about. I'm so sorry. I'm trying to do the best that I can to get this out clearly, but God's works of his hands are mighty. They are powerful. And what we're going to see across this nation We're going to see God's hand moving to heal this land.

God is faithful and he's true. And he wants us to know that his hands are glorious and power and his hands are full of justice. In our country, we've seen a lot of injustice. We've seen a lot of crimes and corruption, and it looks like it is gone. Well, people have gone and done whatever they wanted and no one is paid.

Yeah. For the crimes they've committed, but that's not what God is saying in his word at all. God says in his word that he is the God of justice. So even though it looks like injustice is reigning and it looks like all the enemies are getting away with every crime they're committing, but that is not justice and that's not God.

God in his word is promised and he's faithful to perform his word. And when he's been telling us that he is going to deliver us, that he tells us that he's going to reign over all the nations and he's going to deliver us out of the hands of every single person that has been trying to keep us enslaved.

And so again, when he's been saying no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Now I want to also read to you and Psalm 111 in verse eight, they stand fast forever and ever and are done in truth and uprightness. Verse nine, he has sent redemption to his people and he has commanded his covenant forever. Holy and awesome is his name. He's commanded his covenant forever. And so we as Christians have to remind ourselves that we have a covenant keeping.

God. His word stands forever. God is a God whom nothing is impossible. God is also a God. That says he reigns over the nations. We have establishment. We have globalists. We have all of the Hollywood or entertainment industry. You have all the news media. They think they can control and reign over this nation and over the world.

But God, he says that he reigns. But God, his hand is mighty and glorious. and power. And with his hand, he is going to set us free. He's going to deliver us. And no matter what happens in this nation, and no matter what we are about to see, the enemies are on attack. We know they're trying to attack this country, but God

So in this time when our hearts are fixed on Him, because our enemies are going to try everything they can to stop our hearts being fixed on God. Now, I'm only going to give you a few, a few scriptures today, and I'm going to pray over you. I don't want to give out the prophetic word today. because of how I sound.

This one is so important, like all the rest. It's a seven, seven, like seven pages long. It's a very powerful, powerful prophetic word. And so I'm not going to let the enemy steal that prophetic word and try to Discourage or try to interfere with the words that are being spoken today. And so I also wanna read something to you.

I'm gonna take a, I'm gonna take a drink. Okay.

Now, in Psalm 21, in verse 11, this is out of the N ivy translation. This is a scripture that God was giving to us yesterday. This is what he wants us to know. He wants us to declare and decree this. Scripture, this is part of our marching orders today. Though they plot evil against us, against you, and divisive, wicked schemes, they cannot succeed.

And yesterday when the Lord was giving that to us, it was so powerful with that revelation. He's been telling us we're under attack. He's been telling us devising. But this scripture right here should give anybody encouragement. That God will prevail and our enemies will not. No matter what plot and plan and scheme they have against us, they will not succeed.

He wants us to pray over our elections. He wants us to pray over President Trump. He wants us to pray over Israel. And Benjamin Netanyahu, he wants us to pray over our children. He wants us to pray over our hearts and over our minds. Because the enemies, God said, this is a time of warning. He said the enemies were going to try everything and anything in their playbook.

And so we have to understand that they will not be successful. There's a lot of people out there that are still in fear. Over a repeat of the 2020 election. And God is saying, do not fear what happened in 2020, no matter what it looks like. And no matter what they're doing, they're burning ballot boxes.

They are throwing ballots in the woods. They are trying everything they can right now. They are desperate. God told us they would be desperate. God told us. They would attack us in the prophetic word he gave me the other day before I heard anything regarding what they have done in the last 24 hours regarding our ballots.

This is why when you go to the ballot box, either your early voting or your mail in voting, I want each and every one of you to pray over your, over your ballot and over your vote and pray over it. That God protects it as he protected all the people in the land of Goshen. This is where we dig in our heels.

This is where, no matter what type of adversity we're facing, we have to continue to stand and we have to continue to fight. The enemy I know doesn't want me talking. The enemy does not want these things to come out. He doesn't want people to be encouraged. He doesn't want people to have hope, but God, God will always encourage us.

He will always give us hope. And no matter the adversity, and no matter the attack, God wins and God reigns. And so as we're reading the scripture in Psalm 21, 11, though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed. God will not give up. Allow our enemies to be successful. And that's why also he gave us yesterday.

Psalms. Now, I didn't have this written down for today. Isaiah. Sorry. Isaiah,

Isaiah 54 in verse 15, Isaiah 54. And verse 15, Behold, they may gather together and stir up strife, but it is not from me. Whoever stirs up strife against you shall fall and surrender to you. Look at the rhetoric they're putting out there. God was giving us these scriptures yesterday and is reminding of us these scriptures today.

They're putting out rhetoric like we're Nazis and President Trump is like Hitler. They're putting out so much horrific.

They're trying to stir up strife and division. They're trying to cause so much discouragement and hopelessness and despair. But what we do is we stir ourselves up in our most holy faith. We get into these scriptures and we will say and declare and decree in Isaiah 54, 17, that no weapon formed against us.

We are under attack, and we know that. But God is saying to us today, No weapon. You declare and decree it on a daily basis, no matter how many things are coming against you. And no matter what your enemy is trying to make you think, who you are, that you're a failure, that you are no good, that you're never going to accomplish anything.

That God doesn't love you because you've made too many mistakes or the same type of rhetoric the enemy puts out about our nation, that we've sinned too much, that we've turned away from him and it's just hopeless. There is no way that God would ever save our country because of the wicked leaders that are devising these schemes against us, but that's not what God's word says at all.

He says they will devise evil schemes. But he also says they will not be successful. And he's been telling us over and over again, they're trying to stir up strife. And it says in God's word, where strife is, it's where every other evil thing is. And so we have to remind ourselves on a daily basis to walk by faith.

We have to remind ourselves to stand strong and stand firm in our faith because we know we have an enemy that's out there bringing discouragement and bringing hopelessness and despair, but we don't have to accept it. We have to remind ourselves. That God is bigger and that God will always have the final say.

I want to read another scripture to you.

Psalm 33,

Psalm 33 and I'm going to start with verse 8.

Psalms 33 and verse 8 and it says, And let all the earth fear the Lord, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. What we are going to see in this earth What God is going to do and what God is going to perform, we are all going to stand in awe of Him, in His power, in His justice, and that whatever He said, He is performing.

He is, as you can see these prophetic words, He's been giving us how fast they're coming to pass. And God is telling us, don't you lose hope. We don't need an election to save our nation. We need God almighty. And so as we are standing and holding that line, we will not surrender to this establishment. We will not surrender to a machine.

We will not surrender to dictators. We will not surrender to a globalist government. We will not surrender to their lies. In their disinformation, because God's truth stands forever and God is destroying every lie. He is destroying everything they're made of. And so what we know in this time right now is that God is faithful and he's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

I want to keep reading Psalm 33 in verse 9. For he spoke and it was done. He commanded. And it stood fast. He commanded the world with His words. He's telling us to use our words, His words. He's telling us to use His words against our enemies. God right here, He says, for He spoke and it was done. As we see in Genesis 1, 1, when He said, light be and light was.

If you read all of Genesis chapter 1, God said. And it was done. God said, and it was done. God has said to let his people go. God has said that he will rise us up against our adversaries. He will cause us to triumph in anything and everything. So I want to get on with you this morning. And even though I did not give you a prophetic word, I wanted to give you hope.

I want to give you encouragement in the words of God that he's saying to us today. Now I want to read. Psalm 33 in verse 10, the Lord brings the council of the nations to nothing and he makes their plans of the people of no effect. So again, God's warning us. About the plans of the enemy, but he's again saying in the scripture, they will not be successful.

Verse 11, the counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, and the people whose He has chosen as his own inheritance. God has chosen this nation. He's chosen Israel. And He's chosen each and every one of you. No matter where you are.

We're His chosen generation. To see the works of His hand. To see justice across this land. He has brought us here. He's gonna show us. He's going to heal our land. He's going to prove that he is still the same God yesterday, today, and forever more. God is a God that will not fail. And he has said that in his word, and I want to read Deuteronomy.

Deuteronomy 7. And verse 8, Deuteronomy 7 and verse 8.

But because the Lord loves you, because he would keep the oath which he had sworn to your fathers, the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you out of the house of bondage from the hand of Pharaoh, king of Egypt. So he's talking about his hand, and with his hand,

Let's go to verse nine. Know and recognize and understand, therefore, that the Lord your God, he is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love and his mercy for those who love him and to keep his commandments to a thousand generations. He wants to remind us. He's a covenant keeping God and tomorrow I promise you I will have my voice back and I will give you the prophetic word and the revelation that God wants to give out to us how he is a covenant keeping God.

So I'm going to give out scriptures regarding his covenant and how powerful the revelation was for David and how we are supposed to have that same type of revelation knowledge. We've been giving out more revelation. We have as a complete Bible, the written word of God. They didn't have all these things back then.

We have more word that's available to us on a daily basis. But unfortunately, even though we have more word available, there are people that have less strength and less faith and trust in God. We've been at a point in this nation, in the body of Christ. We've come to the valley of decision. We've come to a decision where we're going to let our enemies be successful and win because of what it looks like.

Or are we going to stand fast and say that God has a final say, and that this is not where our country goes to die, but this is where our country, comes to be reborn. And so in this time, I want to pray with you that no matter what the enemy is doing against you, that you are encouraged today, that you have your hearts fixed on God.

I want to read another scripture before I pray. He's bringing, I want to pray, but he's bringing something else up to me. In Romans 8, Romans 8 and 37, and it says, Yet amid all things, we are more than conquerors, and gain a surpassing victory through him who loved us. God wants us to know that we are more than conquerors, and we have the victory.

So be encouraged that he has made you, and No matter what the enemy is trying to put on you, no matter what he's doing to you, your family, your finances, your nation, your job, you are more than a conqueror. God has given you the victory. So I want to pray over each and every one of you. Tomorrow I will be back on, no matter what, I will be back on with you.

To give you the word. to give you encouragement and to pray over you. So, Heavenly Father, in Jesus name, I want to lift up every person. And I want to thank you that you have made each and every one of them more than conquerors. I want to thank you, Father God, that no weapon formed against them shall prosper.

I thank you that every plot, plan, and scheme of the enemy will not be successful against their minds, against their bodies, against their families, against this nation, the nation of Israel, and your children throughout this world. Father God, we declare and decree. We have our victory because you are Jehovah Nissi.

You are our banner. And Father God, we thank you that you have a blood covenant with us to a thousand generations. And we thank you, Father God, that you are once again delivering us out of the hand of the wicked, that they will fail and fall at every one of their attempts. Against us and against you and against our nation.

We declare and decree, Father God, that we know we don't need an election to save this nation. But we also thank you, Father God, that the enemies cannot get away with corruption, with election interference. We call it down like the walls of Jericho and we thank you that you are removing them and your hand is against them We thank you for justice We thank you that justice will prevail because father God justice is a foundation of your throne You are the God of justice and we thank you father God for justice for all of the innocent They have tried to just devour Father God, I thank you for healing the hearts and minds of your people of discouragement, frustration, fear, doubt, and worry, and unbelief.

We thank you that 2020 is not coming back to defeat us, but I thank you it's coming back with vengeance to destroy our enemies. Father God, you are the God who's lifting us up above our enemies. So we thank you for that victory. We thank you, Father God, for protecting our country from the enemies from within.

And any enemy, foreign or domestic. And we thank you, Father God, your plans that go forth and bring our enemies plans to nothing. And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen and Amen. Well, I hope this encourages you today. Again, I do apologize for the way I sound. But I did not want to cancel today's live show because I wanted you to have the scriptures that God wanted for you today and the encouragement that He knew you needed.

So I'll be back tomorrow morning at the same time. So if you do have any prayer requests, make sure you can write us. Write in the chat, go to our website, look in the description box for our mailing address. Our prayer team is here to pray over each and every one of you. Know that you're not alone, and we love each and every one of you.

And also if you do want any Joy Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to 3sunsthreads. com. That's 3sunsthreads. com. I just want to say, God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

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