2 months ago

Get a good look!!!
This is how they tried to $teal Our $overeignty
This is what the wo/men running this evil organization masquerading as The United States of America, "unlawfully " $ell children for...
This CEO of this unlawful democracy $tole from the People
by way of unlawful Executive Orders under the Holy See,
unbeknownst to the American and First Nations Peoples;
as the lands were $uppo$ed to be held in trust
Says the criminal$ that murdered their way across this Continent!
Starting with the U.S. Calvery under General Pratt who murdered more Native babies than any other in recorded history.
When his armymen asked, "And what about the children?"
Pratt replied, "Nits make Lice!"
and he killed them all.
Including his co-agent / co~agitator and Jesuit, under the Order of the Holy See, which was disguising itself as the U.S. Calvery and the United States, and who still runs the Department of State to this very day; General Miles did murder 333 unarmed men women and children 3 days after Christmas, for dancing, at Wounded Knee, South Dakota 1883.
The Holy See continued it's conquest to continue stealing lands children resources and freedoms in the name of the STATE
Well... I am not a $TATANIST!!!
Get your fucking Religion and it's demonic criminal$ the fuck out of Our faces
acting under color of law with your prima facie evidence of Treason

All of your Agency's ACTS and Actions is unlawful and Void starting with the organization of D.C. itself, and the ORGANIC ACT of 1871
and it's plagiarized rewrite of the People's Constitutions!!!!

All Void!!!

Especially the DAWES ACT!!!

Fuck you!!!

Your 2 dimensional 2-ply fiction piece of papers cannot own land or any three dimensional anything!

Your POLICY is a Threat to Our Republic AND Natural Law BITCHEZ!!!

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