Journey of a commercial pilot turned commercial farmer finding his calling | Russell Jungman | Ep 40

3 months ago

In this episode of Kingdom Heirs we talk to Russell about his journey to become a commercial pilot and then finding peace as a commercial farmer, and finally, the drawbacks and benefits of homesteading.

00:00 - Beginning
03:00 - Crops that grow well in South Texas
08:00 - The Journey to become a commercial farmer
11:00 - Why go to pilot school?
19:00 - Why transition out of commercial flying?
27:00 - How reading through the whole bible can change your life
30:00 - The benefits and drawbacks of Homesteading
43:00 - Share the gospel where ever you are
50:00 - Cultivate a good life for your family

Know someone who’d be a good fit for the podcast? Send them our way in the comments!

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The founder of Kingdom Heirs is an entrepreneur & commercial developer, who owns and operates multiple service based companies located in Texas. We create wealth through our businesses and use the profits to support local, national and international efforts to spread the Good News.
Kingdom Heirs is a podcast that highlights different business people around the country serving God in the Marketplace. KingdomHeirs encourages entrepreneurs to use the resources that they generate through business to benefit the community around them.

#kingdombusiness #faithandbusiness #kingdomheirspodcast #christianpodcast #christianbusiness #entrepreneur #youngentrepreneurs #christianmotivation #entrepreneurship #ministry #business #christianbusiness #businessowner #businesspodcast #businessowner #businessgrowth #businessministry #howtobeamillionnaire #adviceforsucess #howtostartabusiness #farmerslife #farming #pilotlife

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