DCTcentre Chats with Shawna L. Frances – Embodied Channel, Ascension Guide

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In this Video I’m joined by a conscious embodied channel, ascension guide and an advocate for self-empowerment through freedom, expression and love.- Shawna L. Frances
After leading a fairly normal life raising her children and working in corporate America, Shawna’s world turned upside down when she started speaking to her spirit guide as well as angels and other Galactic beings after the death of her mother.
Six years later, Shawna has published two books and has channelled dozens of beings of higher dimensional light from the other side of the veil to help enlighten humanity to Earth’s ascension and the evolution of humanity on a mass scale.
A big part of her mission is to help bring awareness and understanding of the negative Reptilian influence on this planet.
Shawna has over 400 videos on her YouTube channel showcasing channelling on the Ascension, self-empowerment, the negative reptilian influence, and more. She also channelled Queen Elizabeth for 44 episodes and is now channelling a series on the Bible. She’s currently working on a new book with her main guide, Melchizedek.

Disclaimer - All DCTcentre videos are for entertainment purposes only! We are not experts and on video is shared only personal experiences and opinions it is not presented as any kind of fact or true! Enjoy!

Contact Shawna L. Frances –


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