BGMCTV TRIENNIAL PARASHA 002 B'resheet (Gen) 2:4-3:24

3 months ago

TRIENNIAL PARASHA 002 B'resheet (Gen) 2:4-3:24

Contents: Yehovah’s Shabbat rest. The creative act of Gen_1:27 explained. The Edenic covenant.
Characters: Yehovah, Adom, Havah
Conclusion: Man is a threefold being, body, soul and spirit. The real man is soul and spirit, conferred directly from Yah. The body, the outward casing, is dust and to dust it returns.

B’resheet (Gen) Chapter 2 has 7 separate sections
Section 1 V4-8 History
Section 2 V9 Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge
Section 3 V10-14 The four rivers
Section 4 V15-17 Yehovah gives man “The Law”
Section 5 V18 A companion is needed
Section 6 V19-20 Adom given the job of naming the animals
Section 7 V21-25 Yehovah makes Havah

B’resheet (Gen) Chapter 3 has 8 separate sections
SECTION 1: The Conversation. V1-5
SECTION 2: The disobedient action. V6-7
SECTION 3: Sin causes a reaction. V8-10
SECTION 4: Terms for discovery from the Judge. V11-13
SECTION 5: When you sin there is ramifications for your actions. V14-19
SECTION 6: Man gives title to his wife. V20
SECTION 7: The first sacrifice for sin was a perfect sacrifice. V21
SECTION 8: Removal from the Gan Eden: V22-24

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