4 months ago

God Wins Trump Wins We Win FREEDOM
God’s message of freedom, hope and acceleration. It is time to celebrate the amazing future God has planned for you! Now! Time to believe like never before.

We say drink before you are thirsty, but now is the time to know freedom like never before; before it arrives. As it accelerates us into frequencies and times we have never seen.

As I see the blue fog of the Lord’s love engulf the globe, I can feel the future. There is such a feeling of joy, celebration and hope. A vision once again so real as if you are living it now. This is the third time I remember the same type of vision. …
The love and joy were immense with a fullness of God and an unrealized freedom….
REVIVAL is total! Totally here! Now! The Glory Angels are sent out. …
Words like joy, celebration, peace and hope are heard as the Holy Spirit moves through the world on a gentle wind of revival. …
He says, “Slaves no more. Slaves no more.” The Lord is releasing us all from bondage. From a freedom that was fake through and through. From a freedom that was declared yet not ever realized. A freedom from a spiritual realm dictator. A worldwide terrorist was inhabiting a few bad men and women at their desire for power and money. …
He says, “Call it in.” I agree with the will of God that the enemy from within is bound and subdued. The enemy is destroyed and heaven is invading earth. The Lord’s kingdom is being built.
“Like at the walls of Jericho, shout and see the walls fall! Shout and know I am God. Shout and freedom will come.”
“We are free. We are free. Freedom never tasted so good.” That is from a song God gave me December 19, 2019. It is a “now word.”
What is next???
Seven Silver Coins by Mary Leonard

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