4 months ago

The West always needs an enemy. Well, a certain part of the Western elites. But it is also needed to maintain internal control within the blocs, within NATO. There is an enemy, everyone should rally around the boss."
Putin emphasized that "they are trying to form the image of the enemy out of everyone who is not willing to blindly follow these Western elites": from Russia to China, from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to Islam as a whole.Of course, the West always needs an enemy, the enemy state clause against Germany and Japan is probably no longer enough, it has become implausible over time, so new enemies have to be found again and again. - The Church and the Jews can only maintain their fraudulent system under constant martial law. - There must be no peace at all, especially not with Germany, on the day when the First World War is ended by peace treaties, on that day the church and the Jewish bankers will be finished, then bankruptcy proceedings and expropriations will come upon them! - So the world has to be kept constantly at war via the monetary system, under martial law constitutional law is frozen!

t's actually a very simple story! - The Second World War is none of our business, led by a dictator in maritime law, the German people cannot be blamed for that, the 3 Reich company was liquidated in the 1950s anyway and no longer exists. - The FRG declared itself the legal successor to the 3 Reich at the time. - And I also doubt whether we need peace treaties for the First World War, with whom should they be concluded? - There are no more states, only companies in maritime law = dictatorships that pretend to be democracies. - People are so simple-minded, as soon as someone has a title, they believe everything they say. - The First World War was also waged by the German Empire (maritime law), strictly speaking a dictatorship! - Only Prussia was not involved in any war and was never transformed into a company, Prussia is the only real state left!!!!

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