Setting Goals is IMPORTANT... Daily Habits are MORE Powerful

3 months ago

I used to set goals to hit by a target date or within the confine of a set number of days, like a 90 day challenge or something.

That Never really worked for me because at the end of the target date or challenge I would go back to old behavior.

I'm finding it more powerful to focus on Daily Habits. When we can become clear on what it is we want and then take daily actions towards it... it takes the pressure off and we can let the results take care of itself.

The key is being honest with yourself about if you are really doing everything you possibly can everyday to achieve the goal.

if you are not... There are repercussions and karmic debt to be paid. That cam lead to a downward spiral.

Focus on TODAY... Be your BEST. The rest will take care of itself 👍

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